Category Archives: South East Adelaide

South East Adelaide

Urban Area and Rural Community Growth Planning of Adelaide

Urban Area and Rural Community Growth Planning of Adelaide

It is not hard to see why South East Adelaide is anticipated to grow over the coming 25 years to about 2 million individuals. With an outstanding, diverse, and strong economy, great universities, and schools and an enviable lifestyle, the market shall see about 1 million job availability.

Bay Adelaide East, which is a regional plan for South East Adelaide, was updated in 2017. It came in effect on 11th August of 2017.

What is an urban growth area of Adelaide?

South East Adelaide, being the 3rd largest city capital area of 22,900 km2, has twelve areas of local government. These areas offer diverse economies, different lifestyle choices, and healthy environments to live in. They are the quickest growing and desirable areas of Australia.

Where is the urban growth boundary of Adelaide?

For expansion, there is a need for land. Urban growth has to be carried on without impacting the natural environment, diversity, and limited to a specific boundary. South East Adelaide Regional plan introduced a boundary for urban growth, which shall protect the rural land and areas beyond a specific area. It was done to shield farmlands, cattle, natural landscapes, scenic viewing, and the overall natural environment.

What is the PSP land of Adelaide?

A PSP land should be compatible with surrounding utilization and to the proposed/existing uses. It should have the potential to develop that should not be unreasonable or prejudiced. Roads, bridges, parks, water management amenities, etc. should be feasible. For instance, if the site is small, then the park should be well planned. There should be no infringement on the nature of the physical network.

What is the major social planning for rural?

  • Recognizing a pattern that shall last long in the growth and development in present urban regions.
  • Harnessing clusters and regional strengths in the economy to fit in global competition.
  • Making sure that infrastructure and land use is planned well and integrated.
  • Protecting the productive land, landscapes, natural environment, and cultural heritage.
  • Promotion of more abundant lifestyle and housing choices
  • Getting people and jobs together and transporting goods and people in a union for enhancing efficiency.
  • Promoting fair, vibrant, affordable, and healthy living to sustain community requirements.
  • Embracing weather and creating living environments that suit the climate and live a high-quality life.
  • Enhancing the present planning and infrastructure to develop smart solutions to welcome the new infrastructure.
  • Supporting economic diversification and strong communities of rural areas.

Urban Footprint -Rural Area living

Encouraging the present growth is through an Urban Footprint. This implies that housing is made such that personal brand can benefit from the current infrastructure. It is made more affordable to service access and easier. The development is to make individuals reside close to their workplace. This will minimize commuting time. It will enhance a happier and healthier living.

Other areas of action are:

  • Kaola conservation
  • Biodiversity evaluations
  • Infrastructure delivery and planning
  • Adaptation to climate changes
  • Design guidelines
  • Land supply monitoring
  • Embracing undeveloped land

Overall, the urban area growth planning of Adelaide is based on Interpretation, Status assessment, and maintaining the natural environment through Urban Footprint or Area for rural living.

What is the concept of rural planning?

By promoting population growth and urban development in the growth, regions will help in planned services and efficient delivery. The key to the rural community growth planning of Adelaide is that it easily supports the accessibility of that community to their workplaces. This way, the detrimental influences on the rural region, natural resources, and values are significantly curbed.

What is the land used for rural?

The lands used are farmlands, cattle graze fields, and so on that fall in the urban boundary.

The new dwellings approved in South East Adelaide are:

  • 98.3 percent in Brisbane
  • 98.9 percent in Ipswich
  • 97.4 percent in Gold Coast
  • 95.8 percent in Moreton Bay

The rural land is used to combine urban and rural dwelling areas:

  • 31.0 percent in Lockyer that comprise of large regions of rural living region.
  • 52.9 percent in Somerset
  • 56.3 percent of Scenic Rim

How can I revive rural of Adelaide?

Urban Footprint will minimize travel congestion, minimize energy use, pollutant reduction, and minimize harmful impact on the rural region’s growth and productivity. Along with this, scenic values and biodiversity of the regional landscape are sustained. This is a crucial path to the revival of rural Adelaide.


South East Adelaide regional plan will minimize the impact of urban sprawl, impact the environment, and impact our carbon footprint. Transport targeted growth, diverse supply of housing, cutting down travel congestion by making the people close to their jobs, and cutting down carbon emissions.

Bay Adelaide East: Making the most of our future

It is not difficult to see why the population of South East Adelaide is expected to grow by almost 2 million people over the next 25 years. We have an enviable lifestyle, great schools, and universities, and a strong, diverse economy expected to create almost one million jobs over the next 25 years. Our future is bright.

But to realize this future, we cannot just rely on luck. We need a clear vision to guide this growth that brings together all levels of government. Bay Adelaide East is this vision. It is the foundation upon which we will build the future we want for the South East. It guides our State Infrastructure Plan, will guide council planning schemes, and it will also form the basis of negotiations for a future South East Adelaide City Deal.
Bay Adelaide East sets a framework for our growth so that we can maintain everything that makes living in South East Adelaide great while taking advantage of the opportunities of the fastest growing economic region in the world – the Asian-Pacific region. At the same time, it will help manage the potential impacts of population growth to deliver housing supply and affordable living options, and support the planning and delivery of critical infrastructure, while protecting our natural environment and our lifestyle.
This is a plan for our community, by the community.
Through the Bay Adelaide East process, more than 3,300 submissions were received from the community alongside extensive engagement with local councils and key stakeholders from the environment, community and development sectors. The level of cooperation and collaboration is unprecedented and sets the tone for the future.
Consequently, I want to acknowledge the contribution that all stakeholders, particularly local councils, have made to Bay Adelaide East and to the future of our region.
Consultation and engagement have been the priority because we all have a stake in how we grow and thrive as a region.
The feedback has guided great environmental and community outcomes. We have protected inter-urban breaks between Brisbane and the Gold Coast, and Brisbane and the Sunshine Coast and identified biodiversity corridors, along with scenic landscape values and a regional greenspace network.

Through Bay Adelaide East we are encouraging growth within the current Urban Footprint. This means housing is focused on where people can take advantage of existing infrastructure and ensuring easier, more affordable access to services. Most importantly, this kind of development means people can live closer to their jobs, decreasing commutes, and encouraging a healthier, happier population.
The Urban Footprint identified in the plan will help us reduce our impact upon the environment, reducing urban sprawl and our carbon footprint. Additionally, there is a strong focus on transport-oriented development, concentrating on diverse housing supply closer to public transport to cut down congestion and carbon emissions.
As part of Bay Adelaide East, we have set up a program of actions so we can deliver on the vision of the regional plan. These actions include infrastructure planning and delivery, koala conservation, and biodiversity assessments, design guidelines, a focus on climate change adaptation, monitoring land supply, and unlocking undeveloped land within the Urban Footprint.
Ongoing measuring and monitoring will mean that we can track our progress against the plan set out in Bay Adelaide East.
Bay Adelaide East shows what we can achieve when the state and local governments work closely together and are guided by the community. We want South East Adelaide to continue to be a great place for people
to live, work and raise their families and that’s what this the plan is all about.

Bay Adelaide East Draft South East ADELAIDE Regional Plan October 2016

Bay Adelaide East: Making the most of our future

Here in Adelaide, we are in the midst of an exciting period of change and growth. Throughout the state, we are seeing innovative new industries emerge, the delivery of exciting urban renewal precincts, and more and more people choosing to call Adelaide home.
This growth is no more obvious than in South East Adelaide. In fact, by 2041 the population of South East Adelaide is expected to have increased by two million people.
It is imperative that we manage this growth sensibly and sustainably – this is what this draft of Bay Adelaide East is all about. The draft Bay Adelaide East seeks to promote the things that South East Adelaide residents value like a connected region, affordable housing, protecting our natural environment, and our unique lifestyle.
The draft Bay Adelaide East has been prepared with more engagement and input than ever before – from the community, from Mayors and councils, and from key stakeholders.
For the first time, the preparation of the plan was informed by extensive community consultation. We endeavoured to have a conversation with the community to ensure that the plan responds to the needs and values of South East Adelaide residents. This is a conversation that will continue on this draft plan until March 2017 with all South East Adelaide encouraged to have their say.
And we have been untiring in our efforts to secure strong input from the councils and Mayors of the region. Since reforming the Bay Adelaide East review process in August 2015 to facilitate more local government input, I have personally met with Mayors or their representatives as members of the statutory Regional Planning Committee every two months on average. The Mayors of the region have had more opportunities for input than has been the case in any previous regional planning exercise for South-East Adelaide.
To support this, my department has met with the council the staff as a group on eight separate occasions since April 2016, with multiple follow-up meetings with each council to ensure we are fully informed about the aspirations and issues in each area. On average, my department has spent at least 100 person-hours with officers of each council. The value this has brought to the draft plan is immense.
And the department has also met on multiple occasions with key stakeholders from the environment, community, and development sectors and from the key professions that shape our region.

Through this extensive engagement, we have, for the first time, a 50-year vision for the future of South East Adelaide. We are planning not just for ourselves but to ensure that future generations of Adelaide get to enjoy all the benefits of a great South East Adelaide lifestyle. One of the most important issues facing South-East Adelaide is the provision of diverse and affordable housing. The new Bay Adelaide East broadens this to include the idea of affordable living. Affordable living is about more than just the cost of a house it’s about how we interact with services and engage with our community.
We also have a strong focus on protecting our natural environment and growing in a sustainable way. South East Adelaide is fortunate to have pristine beaches and untouched bushland and we will ensure we preserve our important ecological sites.
One of the new and important features of Bay Adelaide East is a focus on unlocking land that has been identified for urban development but has so far been underutilised.
Unlocking land already within the urban footprint is critical, ensuring that there is less demand for expanding into our natural environment.
This plan sets out clear goals for the future of the South East and will ensure certainty and sustainable growth for South East Adelaide. By proactively planning for the future of our region we are ensuring that South East Adelaide will continue to be a fantastic place to live, work and raise a family. The Government has heard from the region’s Mayors – and now is the chance for all of the South East Adelaide community to have their say. I am committed to listening and responding to the views of everyone who calls our great South East Adelaide region home.